Rocketman Jars for the Elton John Aids Foundation
Print, Illustration - 2023-2024

To celebrate the iconic partnership between Marmite and Elton John Aids Foundation, W Studio has been conceptualising, designing, and promoting an ongoing series of limited-edition Marmite jars, as well as the creation of captivating social content and in-store point-of-sale materials to go alongside of the launches.

In close collaboration with the Unilever and EJAF team, over all of the designs we have infused classic Elton John iconography into the design to create visually appealing and memorable campaigns. 

I have been lucky enough to assist in the initial development of the ‘Goodby Yellow Brick Road’ jar, which then led to me leading on the final exclusive jar design of the collection, which will be later released in 2025!

The EJAF limited-edition jars, adorned with W Studio's unique labels, became coveted collector's items, adding value and excitement to the Marmite product line. 90,000 jars were sold out in less than 10 days, there was a 113% incremental sales uplift over a two week period, and an 400% uplift in supermarket shelf space. With 50p of each sold jar going towards EJAF, the partnership was so successful that a further 3 year, $1,000,000 partnership was brokered between the two parties. 

I can’t wait to share more on this in the future!